My Granny

You would think that as many blessing as I have been given in my life, that I would make an entry in this blog every single day. However, since I have been out enjoying my blessings, I haven't taken the time to write about them. Well, let's change that now.

I know I've already told you about my wonderful family. My husband, four kids, two sisters, and amazing parents still make me wonder how God can continue to show his love for me. However, I don't think I've taken the time to go a little farther back. 

My Granny is well known as the most stubborn, head-strong, independent woman in the world. She doesn't do anything that she doesn't want to do, and she will fight you if you try to make her. She will not leave her house, or her recliner, unless she decides to do it, and if she thinks the sky is green, she will argue the point with you until you give in.

But, she also has a terrible, sometimes prejudiced, disease. For a few years now, she's had Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Despite her stubbornness and spirit, she has resigned to be dependent upon her family... to some extent. I get to come over to her house every day and make sure she eats, is clean, gets lots of exercise, gets her hair done, keeps her doctor's appointments, takes her vitamins, and doesn't fall down. I am not the only family member that she has come to rely on, but since I can only tell my side of things, I can assure you that she is well loved.

This particular blessing that I write about today is the time that I get to spend with this crazy woman. Oh, yes, she can drive me completely bananas, and I hate bananas. And, some days, she makes me consider jumping in that stagnant pond behind the house. But, I do love her. I didn't really know her until we moved behind her house when I was 12, so I am using these years to really prod her memory about her early years. She can't remember what she ate for lunch twenty minutes ago, but she has a ton of stories from when she was a child, a young married woman, and a mother of four of the rowdiest boys in the states. She can regale me with tales from her childhood in the mountains and her move to the place she now calls home. Some of her stories can make you wonder how she is still alive today. Between her sons, two of which have passed on, and her husband, she has a ton of unbelievable tales.

I have relished in our time together and will forever remember her.
