If you've ready very many of my posts, then you know that I am a true believer and follower of Jesus Christ. That's why this time of year is so very special to me and my family. Being brought up in a Christian home, I was sheltered from most of the distorted beliefs of this world. However, Christmas was a super special time for me. Yes, my mom would wrap gifts for me and my sisters and leave them under the tree with Santa's name on them. That's right, Santa Claus. In fact, she still wraps gifts for us and puts Santa's name on them, and I am 35 years old! She's just a little cooky that way. But, my parents never wasted an opportunity to tell us the true meaning of Christmas.. Jesus, who came to earth as a babe, grew in grace and sacrificed himself for us. As an adult, I allow my kids to talk about Santa Claus, and they are careful not to spill the truth about him to little kids who choose to believe in him. But, they know the real reason why we have this very special holiday. JESUS CHRIST! Let's keep Christ in Christmas and refuse to let a day go by that we don't tell someone about Him. That's my Christmas wish.
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